Diigo Bookmarks 06/17/2017
Handling Long and Unexpected Content in CSS | CSS-Tricks
"When we write CSS, sometimes we forget about some edge cases in the designs. For example, when the content is longer than we expected and we didn't account for that possibility, our design could break."
How to choose media query breakpoints to best support all connected devices - mobiForge
"With this huge diversity in screen sizes, how do we find the best breakpoints to format our web apps?"
Results of the Ultimate CSS Survey 2017 — SitePoint
"Only 23% of respondents said they produce documentation for their CSS (Question 39), which is down from about 28% last year. I wouldn’t expect this number to be too high in general, but I’m surprised there was a dip."
Responsive Design in Sketch — Part 1 – Design + Sketch – Medium
"In this article I will cover the updates and give some new tips. In the next part of this article, I will compare the group resizing feature with Anima’s Auto-layout plugin."
Thoughts on Self-Documenting CSS
"We use comments different ways for a variety of reason. Let’s look at some comments, and consider what they add (or not) to the code."
Web design predictions from the past: where are they now?
"We can often only go off the trends of the previous year and look at how they are progressing."