Diigo Bookmarks 05/29/2017
JSON Feed: Announcing JSON Feed
"we developed JSON Feed, a format similar to RSS and Atom but in JSON. It reflects the lessons learned from our years of work reading and publishing feeds."
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 60) | Web | Google Developers
"The Audits panel is now powered by Lighthouse. Lighthouse provides a comprehensive set of tests for measuring the quality of your web pages."
Anchors OK? Re-Assessing In-Page Links
"While jump links have caused problems in the past, they can successfully be used to move users down long pages and directly to content, on any screen size."
Daring Fireball: Scott Gilbertson: 'Kill Google AMP Before It Kills the Web'
"It implements its own scrolling behavior on iOS, which feels unnatural, and even worse, it breaks the decade-old system-wide iOS behavior of being able to tap the status bar to scroll to the top of any scrollable view. AMP also completely breaks Safari’s ability to search for text on a page (via the “Find on Page” action in the sharing sheet)."
Kill Google AMP before it KILLS the web • The Register
"Google AMP, by its design, disassociates content from its creator. Google does not and never has cared about creators, all it wants is content, the more the better to churn through its algorithms, surround with advertising and serve up to the world."
Samsung DeX brings a new Dimension to the Mobile Web
"For installing Progressive Web Apps, the ambient badging behaviour pioneered on the mobile browser is available here too. If you see the ‘+’ in the address bar, press it to install the Web App to the home screen."