Diigo Bookmarks 05/22/2017
Non-linear interpolation in CSS · MadebyMike
"I like the term bending points rather than breakpoints for these because to me, a breakpoint implies there should be a jump and that’s not what this is. These are intermediary points where the rate of scale changes."
Eric's Archived Thoughts: Gridded Headings
"In my ongoing experiments with both a realignment of meyerweb’s design and CSS Grid, I came up with an interesting heading-and-subheading technique I’d like to share."
Chromium Blog: The Modern Mobile Web: State of the Union
"Fast forward one year later: more than two billion AMP pages have been created and "PWA" has proved to be far more than a buzzword—it’s now the way that many businesses around the world are building for mobile devices."
Enforcing CSS Syntax Style (and more!) | CSS-Tricks
"stylelint is a lot like ESlint (less opinionated) CSSLint is a lot like JSlint (more opinionated)"
Smarter cars powered by Android
"your car’s built-in infotainment system could allow you to control your air conditioning, sunroof, and windows, find the nearest restaurant with Google Maps, listen to Spotify or NPR, or just ask your Google Assistant for help—even when you leave your phone behind."
RSS: A Well Formed Log Entry - The History of the Web
"By 2002, there were seven incompatible versions of RSS to chose from. A large majority picked RSS 2.0, but RSS wasn’t backed by an official standards body, so it was sometimes difficult to get consensus around it."