Diigo Bookmarks 05/21/2017
Polypane, The responsive web development browser
"Polypane is a cross-platform browser for responsive web design and development. See your website in multiple screen sizes at once and make it look great, everywhere."
Easy Accessibility Testing with aXe
"The Accessibility Engine for automated testing of HTML-based user interfaces. Drop the aXe on your accessibility defects!"
Progressive Web Apps — Yeh or Meh?
"We used mobile Twitter as a great example. It's re-written as a PWA, with service workers and React and yet, at least on iOS, it's still a mobile web experience with all of the usual caveats."
"JavaScript Libraries for Progressive Web Apps"
"London Web Standards is an established and popular meetup for web professionals. The meetups cover a broad range of topics including design, development, UX and accessibility, and this month I had the opportunity to talk about SVG accessibility."
Ai Squared - Window-Eyes - JAWS Migration
"We regret to announce that sales of Window-Eyes have ended in the United States and Canada. Users outside of the United States and Canada should contact their local distributor for options."