Diigo Bookmarks 04/19/2017
How W3C checks its specifications for accessibility support: APA review | W3C Blog
"The Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) Working Group works to ensure W3C specifications provide support for accessibility to people with disabilities. The group seeks new accessibility and technology experts to help influence a broad set of W3C specifications."
Why performance is the best way to improve the user experience
"In fact research indicates UK retailers could be missing out on £11.75bn in revenue by ignoring the needs of disabled users. Nearly three-quarters of disabled online consumers (71%) will click away from websites that they find difficult to use due to the effect of their disability."
How Current Design Trends Impact Web Accessibility
"In this post, we’ll explore some of the design trends we increasingly run into on the Web today, and how decisions made during the design phases can have a hugely detrimental effect on anyone who uses the web in a slightly differently way."
The problem with atomic CSS – Simple = Human – Medium
"The most touted aspect of atomic CSS is size and performance — in particular, time to first paint. Advocates often discuss this in isolation, which at best is misleading and at worst it’s deceiving."
"while the advantages of using Schema.org seem obvious enough on paper, actually implementing it can be much more challenging. As a result, a startlingly small minority of website owners make use of Schema.org."
Google Developers Blog: Introducing the Mobile Sites certification, for web developers
"Passing the Mobile Sites exam signals that you have a demonstrated ability to build and optimize high-quality sites, and allows you to promote yourself as a Google accredited mobile site developer."