Diigo Bookmarks 02/26/2017
ARIA Widget Checklist: For Screen Reader Testing - SSB BART Group
"the following ARIA widget checklist has been compiled, which can be used to validate screen reader behavior and to determine where support levels still need to be improved."
Media Object Revisited by CSS GRID on CodePen
"A new display value, flow-root, will be a far better option once it has better browser support. Display: flow-root will always establish a new block formatting context for its contents but with none of the drawbacks of using overflow."
HTTP/2 - A Real-World Performance Test and Analysis | CSS-Tricks
"Although we tried as much as possible to eliminate fluctuations, there are going to be quite a few inaccuracies in our setup, but there is a very clear trend. HTTP/2 is faster and is the recommended way forward."
Javascript Tooling - The Evolution and Future of JS & Front-end Build Tools
"This article is meant as a brief overview for the tools that are still alive and maintained. The suspects: CodeKit, Grunt, Bower, Gulp, Browserify, Webpack, and NPM scripts."
Great Alternatives to Hamburger Menus | Mobiscroll Blog | Design, UI and UX for Successful Products
"The fact that hamburger menus are a bad choice is backed up by actual numbers and is proven by companies that make money on time spent in-app."
Principles of Web Development · Jens Oliver Meiert
"As a veteran developer who has worked on small to large-scale projects, and who has contributed to standards (W3C) and written about best practices (O’Reilly), I like to offer an updated, more tangible view on these principles."