Diigo Bookmarks 01/08/2017
The Biggest Email Marketing Trends in 2017 Will Be... – Litmus Software, Inc.
"Automated emails / Big Data personalization in emails / Email encryption / HTML5 video in email / Interactive emails / Omnichannel email experiences"
Automatic Image Optimization with Hazel and ImageOptim | CSS-Tricks
"A number of recommendations from folks turned me onto Hazel. It's basically a watch task for macOS, with a UI to set up all the stuff you want it to do."
"The IDPF Membership has unanimously approved EPUB 3.1 as a Recommended Specification, by a vote of 72 YES to zero NO votes."
Interoperability and the W3C: Defending the Future from the Present | Electronic Frontier Foundation
"With a covenant of all the W3C's members, those with accessibility needs are better situated to take matters into their own hands, or work with others to improve their access to all media."
CSS Architectures for UI developers | SmartArt Blog
"In this moment of time, we are still trying to figure out the best way to scale CSS allowing maintainability and readability without sacrificing performance and ease of use."
Design Guidelines — The way products are built.
"I’m glad you're here, this is Design Guidelines, a place where you can find the best publicly available design guidelines and the thought process behind it."