Diigo Bookmarks 11/21/2016
Offline UX Considerations | Web | Google Developers
"This article will take a look at multiple design considerations needed to create a great experience on both slow networks and offline."
If CSS is so easy why does everyone suck?
"CSS takes literally no skill to code. And that is absolutely true, styling one element at a global level with no other CSS to worry about is easy."
Command Line Tools for Designers #1: Homebrew – Medium
"This is part one in a series that aims to uncover command line tools that would benefit designers, and hopefully make them more productive in their day to day work."
Listening to the web, part three: working with screen readers » Simply Accessible
"Remembering to keep a mindset of accessibility and inclusivity, we journey onward in the third and final article in this series. Destination: screen readers."
Web Browsers As UX Design Tools
"Throughout this article, we’ll explore a workflow to design and maintain mockups right in the browser. There are many tools to do that in no time and it doesn’t matter whether you were a designer without coding skills or a Front-End developer."
How to build a responsive grid system | Zell Liew
"The HTML for CSS grid systems are simpler compared to the HTML for HTML grid systems. You need lesser markup for the same thing you create. You also don’t need to remember what the grid classes are"