Diigo Bookmarks 10/29/2016
Carousels Don't Have to be Complicated - The Media Temple Blog
"What I am here to talk about is the situation where you do want a carousel and to resist the temptation to reach for a wheelbarrow full of code to do so."
Using Media Queries in HTML Email
"Now that Gmail is supporting media queries in some clients, we have seen a resurgence in interest about how to use them. Read on to learn about media queries in HTML email."
Daring Fireball: Why Do Websites Publish AMP Pages?
"On desktop browsers, these URLs do get redirected to Ars’s website. But on mobile they don’t. Share from one mobile device to another and nobody ever leaves google.com. Why would any website turn their entire mobile audience — a majority share of their total audience, for many sites today — over to Google?"
"I don’t believe replacing JavaScript with CSS hacks is any better. People, JavaScript is not a problem."
On Style Maintenance | CSS-Tricks
"The cascade can help, if you understand and organize it. This is the same as any sophisticated software design. You can look at what you’re building and make responsible decisions on your build and design."
"We had 5 successful flights at Moffett near the end of June, including the longest flight so far (1.3+ km). The last of the 5 flights ended in a shallow dive into the pavement instead of a smooth landing, doing some damage to the nose wheel and the front of the fairing, which will be repaired to make the airplane better than before (more details below)."