Diigo Bookmarks 10/23/2016
Designing for Colour Blindness
"Colour blindness is a matter which needs to be taken seriously due to the high percentage of the population with vision impairments. If your website or application is particularly unoptimised, you could be losing a large amount of customers."
Chromium Blog: Canary channel for Chrome on Android
"Initially, builds will ship every weekday. In the future new builds may also be available on weekends. The frequency of builds means that keeping the app updated will consume a lot of data, typically more than 100MB per week."
JavaScript for Web Designers: DOM Scripting · An A List Apart Article
"We’re pleased to share an excerpt from Chapter 5 of Mat Marquis' new book, JavaScript for Web Designers, available now from A Book Apart."
Pedalling purposefully skyward: Human powered aircraft at UK universities | The Engineer
"Traditionally built to win arcane prizes, or to demonstrate the zenith of lightweight aerodynamic design, the human powered aeroplane has been reborn as an educational tool to compliment the plethora of student racing cars, electric wheeled vehicles and water bound craft."
"This CSS file intends to warn developers about possible risks and mistakes that exist in HTML code. It can also be used to roughly evaluate a site's quality by simply including it as an external stylesheet."
Federal Website Lawsuits Top 100 As New Wave Of Demand Letters Hits Community Banks | ADA Title III
"The number of federal lawsuits alleging inaccessible websites continues to increase, along with the number of law firms filing them. Businesses need advice now on how to manage risk in this chaotic environment."
"When you build a site and ignore what happens afterwards — when the values entered in code are translated into brightness and contrast depending on the settings of a physical screen — you’re avoiding the experience that you create."