Diigo Bookmarks 10/11/2016
Grid layout is a much needed step-change for CSS | Matt Hinchliffe, Front-End Developer
"The 12 or 16 column grid revolutionised web layout in the late 2000s. Most of the sites I’ve built since then have been based on closely related foundations but CSS grid layout is nothing like the CSS grids we’re used to."
"It’s ok—good even—to teach new tools that may be helpful. But when we do so, we need to be careful to present why these tools may be helpful as well as when they may not be."
A Redesign with CSS Shapes · An A List Apart Article
"This layout technique used to be sort of possible by using crude float hacks like Ragged Float and Sliced Sandbags, but now we have float shapes!"
Web Directions Idea of the Week: Progressive Web Apps - Web Directions
"Suddenly, I feel a renewed optimism for the Web, not simply that it can keep up with or compete with native, but that it can continue to embody the “webbiness” central to its success and importance."
BBC Blogs - Internet Blog - Challenges of HTML5 media playback
"there are challenges faced in HTML5 media playback that are either presented in a different way than they are in a Flash space, or don’t exist at all in Flash."
Where Things Are at in the CSS Grid Layout Working Draft
"The grid-placement property does not affect the ordering of elements in non-visual media such as speech. Similarly, rearranging grid items visually won’t affect the default traversal order of sequential navigation modes such as cycling through links on the page."