Diigo Bookmarks 09/10/2016
68% of digital media time now spent on mobile devices - mobiForge
"As a result of this trend, the importance of mobile optimization is now higher than ever mainly due to the fact that the time spent using desktop and laptop computers is dropping rapidly."
Basic Patterns for Mobile Navigation
"In this article we’ll examine three basic navigation patterns for mobile apps — hamburger menu, tab bar and gesture-based navigation — and describe strengths and weaknesses of each of them."
Chromium Blog: Moving Towards a More Secure Web
"Beginning in January 2017 (Chrome 56), we’ll mark HTTP sites that transmit passwords or credit cards as non-secure, as part of a long-term plan to mark all HTTP sites as non-secure."
Mobile speed impacts publisher revenue - DoubleClick
"Unfortunately, based on our analysis of 10,000+ mobile web domains, we found that most mobile sites don’t meet this bar: The average load time for mobile sites is 19 seconds over 3G connections."
"A CSS lock is a Responsive Web Design technique that lets you transition smoothly between two values, depending on the current viewport size, rather than jump straight from one value to the other."
The State Of JavaScript: Front-End Frameworks – Medium
"Based on the current data, I think it’s safe to say that you can’t really go wrong with React, since it’s extremely widespread and has an above-90% satisfaction percentage. And although currently much smaller, Vue also seems like a good bet."
This Capsule Hotel Shows Us What the Future of Reality Looks Like – Startup Grind – Medium
"The reason is because it just felt like the space perfectly, predicted my every need. I flowed frictionlessly through the experience."