Diigo Bookmarks 09/01/2016
When is the Right Time to Think about Web Performance? | CSS-Tricks
"every conversation about design is also a conversation about web performance"
Remote Usability Testing with Screen Readers (Part 1)
"Like with general usability testing, testing applications with users with disabilities can help you understand what your users’ needs actually are, and how they go about achieving their goals."
Gmail Now Supports Display: None
"Previously, to have display: none function in Gmail you had to use !important. That meant that the style couldn’t be overwritten by media queries."
I Wanted To Type a Number | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
"From the notes in the specification, we can glean that type="number" is intended for numbers like Prices, Ages, and Years; type="tel" for Phone Numbers; type="text" for everything else."
The web is not print and other stories
"No, the web is not print. However it shouldn’t be defined by being not print. Nor should we allow assumptions about what is and isn’t possible stop us experimenting."
Svgsus - Easier SVG handling for Mac
"Svgsus is the perfect tool to organize, clean and transform svgs into code. Let's make SVGs great again."