Diigo Bookmarks 07/23/2016
How to Convince Writers to Write for Accessibility – Wuhcag
"This post is for anyone accountable for the success of an accessibility program, especially those of us who must win over members of an obstinate culture into doing things a little differently."
The Business Case for Progressive Web Apps - Cloud Four
"Technical articles about Progressive Web Apps abound, but few tackle the question of why businesses should build Progressive Web Apps and why they should do so now."
Working with Static Sites - O'Reilly Media
"Written by two leading developers in the JavaScript community, this book teaches front-end designers, front-end developers, web developers, and web designers how static site generators work, the benefits you can expect, and what options are available."
Accessible websites and apps for all: Council adopts first-ever EU-wide rules - Consilium
"Member states will then have 21 months to adopt national provisions to comply with the directive, i.e. 'transpose' it. New websites (websites published after the transposition) must be compliant one year later, older websites two years and mobile apps 33 months later."
G3ict acquires IAAP in global accessibility merger | Media Access Australia
"The Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (G3ict) has announced it will be acquiring the International Association of Accessibility Professionals(IAAP) in a merger aimed at promoting the accessibility profession on a more global scale."
5 ways content can improve your websites’ accessibility — and overall UX | Webflow Blog
"After all, a screen reader skipping from heading to heading, or link to link, behaves a lot like we all do the on the web: not consuming everything, but scanning for the specific info we need."