Diigo Bookmarks 05/30/2016
"A proposal to extend the concept of CSS conditional rules to arbitrary when/else chains, and supporing this, a proposal to unify the disparate conditional rules into a single grammar."
Elon Musk's Most Unexpected Success Is the SpaceX Live-Stream - Bloomberg
"The palpable excitement emanating from within SpaceX is part of what makes the webcasts so engaging for so many people."
Building for Billions | Google Developers
"Deliver the best performance across a range of connections, data plans, and devices."
Were We Wrong About Vertical Rhythm All Along? | Zell Liew's blog about web design and development
"In this article, we also discussed a lot about the principle of proximity (the second design principle I covered on the blog) and how to use it in Typography."
Content-First Prototyping – Smashing Magazine
"The basic example shown here illustrates how a content-first prototyping approach can help us create simple content systems that work — systems that, in turn, set the stage for larger, more complex systems that work."
The Web Fonts: Preloaded—zachleat.com
"If you’re not currently using a font loading strategy, using preload with web fonts will reduce the amount of FOIT visitors will see when they visit your site—paid for by sacrificing initial render time. Don’t preload too much or the cost to initial render will be too high."