Diigo Bookmarks 04/10/2016
Progressive web apps: the long game
"There's a high barrier of entry to add to home screen that will create a trust between our users and our web apps. A trust that equals the trust of an app store installed app. This is huge."
Interview with Vivaldi CEO Jón S. von Tetzchner
"There’s too much focus on building software which the user has to adapt to. That may work for some—but not everyone. We’re all individuals, and I believe the product should adapt to the user."
"As we know that inline-block elements grow wider max till 100%(considering padding and no width defined) of its parent based on its content."
What are CSS Modules and why do we need them? | CSS-Tricks
"With CSS Modules, and the concept of local scope by default, this problem is avoided. You're always forced to think about the consequences as you write styles."
A Working SVG Workflow for Accessible Icons
"I tend to think that title and description are heavily dependent on context. Therefore, they are better defined at use time (in our component) rather than at definition time (in the sprite) in my opinion."
Our Justified Layout Goes Open Source | code.flickr.com
"we’ve had requests from our front end colleagues in other teams across Yahoo for a reusable package that does photo (or any rectangle) presentation like this, but it’s always been too tightly coupled to our stack to separate it out and hand it over. Until now!"