Diigo Bookmarks 04/03/2016
Run Bash on Ubuntu on Windows | Building Apps for Windows
"To accomplish this, we built new infrastructure within Windows – the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) – upon which we run a genuine Ubuntu user-mode image provided by our great partners over at Canonical, creators of Ubuntu Linux."
"Big thanks to Jennifer Sutton for helping gather many of the resources listed below! New resources will be added as they are received."
The large desktop experience in responsive design - InVision Blog
"I'd like to share some ideas and user interface (UI) patterns I found useful while designing a website large desktop first-while of course still making it scalable down to mobile screens."
Introducing Safari Technology Preview | WebKit
"Updates for Safari Technology Preview will be available every two weeks through the Updates pane of the Mac App Store."
Twitter Has Alt Text! (with some caveats) | Adrian Roselli
"now this feature is only available for users of the iOS and Android apps (though not all just yet, as I note below) and it does not apply to animated GIFs nor videos."
Front-End Style-Guides: Definition, Requirements, Component Checklist
"Front-end style guides are becoming one of the most useful UX deliverables. They are especially important in Agile environments, where enabling more efficient design workflows is critical to keeping the fast pace of development."