Diigo Bookmarks 02/12/2016
"Some browsers implement the HTML5 requirement that alt="" is equal to role="presentation" which results in the <img> being removed from the accessibility tree, so despite there being a non empty title, the <img> is hidden."
"SpiritJS is the animation-tool that will change the way you create animations for the web."
How to capitalize on Voice Search and the death of the keyboard | Search Engine Watch
"We know from the Northstar Research study that 45% of teenagers that use voice search wish this technology would be able to order their pizza."
MJML - The Responsive Email Framework
"MJML is a markup language designed to reduce the pain of coding a responsive email."
Google redesigns Chrome browser for Material Design | Webdesigner Depot
"Google’s upcoming version of its popular Chrome browser will finally feature some material-design touches that are a long time coming."
Stop using Microsoft Edge's InPrivate mode if you value your privacy
"Somewhat counterintuitively, Edge actually records browsing history in InPrivate mode."