Diigo Bookmarks 01/17/2016
"Do you remember this moment when you wanted to set background-size for image because it will solve a lot of problems? Now you can use object-fit which is supported by webkit and will be added to Firefox soon."
It's Time to Make the Switch from Graphic Design to UI/UX DebugMe Blog
"UI is definitely closer to the traditional graphic design position but there is more analytics and background information with it. Leaving UX to pertain to the user experience, or how users will interact with all of the elements on an interface."
Eric's Archived Thoughts: Subgrids Considered Essential
"subgrids are a major component of grid layout, and should be a part of any grid layout implementation when it emerges from developer-preview status."
In defence of the hamburger menu
"I’d argue that the pause button on a VCR is learnable (once you’ve pressed in once you know what it does), memorable (the icon is simple and easy to recall) and produced low error rates (if you accidentally press it you can easily recover with little negative effect)."
10 Years of Web Inspector | WebKit
"To commemorate the past 10 years of Web Inspector, we put together this timeline of major events and past blog posts for posterity."
jQuery 3.0 Beta Released | Official jQuery Blog
"If you read the jQuery 3.0 alpha blog post, you might remember that we announced something we called “jQuery Compat”. You can forget that."
"I think it’s really important that if someone is going to test your site with a screen reader, it should be someone who uses a screen reader every day."