Diigo Bookmarks 12/30/2015
Choosing between min-width and max-width media queries | The Haystack
"In short: let element defaults help determine which media feature to use in your media queries."
A Web Design History Lesson: 20 Years in Web Design
"I thought it might be interesting to take a look back at how the web worked (or didn’t) back then and compare it to some of the challenges we face today. The question I have is, does history repeat itself on the web?"
Retrospective: Email Trends in 2015
"Email is not dead! In fact, according to DMA's Statistical Fact Book, seven in ten (72%) consumers prefer to be contacted by email rather than snail mail and text message."
10 Web Predictions for 2015: The Results!
"Longer term, a framework can cause more problems than it solves, and some question the benefits of monolithic solutions."
Should I use a video as a background? | CSS-Tricks
"There is research that the seemingly superfluous trend of parallax scrolling doesn't negatively impact "usability, enjoyment, satisfaction, and visual appeal" but increases fun."
SpaceX releases close-up photos of Falcon 9's successful launch and landing | The Verge
"As usual, SpaceX documented the entire event for the public, broadcasting live video and publishing photos from the launch and landing sites so it can all be seen up close."