Diigo Bookmarks 12/18/2015
"X-Tag is a Microsoft supported, open source, JavaScript library that wraps the W3C standard Web Components family of APIs to provide a compact, feature-rich interface for rapid component development."
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Indexing HTTPS pages by default
"As a natural continuation of this, today we'd like to announce that we're adjusting our indexing system to look for more HTTPS pages. Specifically, we’ll start crawling HTTPS equivalents of HTTP pages, even when the former are not linked to from any page."
The Accessibility Mindset ◆ 24 ways
"Accessibility is often characterized as additional work, hard to learn and only affecting a small number of people. Those myths have no logical foundation and often stem from outdated information or misconceptions."
Performance Calendar » WebPageTest: Year in Review
"Full-site spider. Instead of testing just a single page, crawl a site and provide an aggregate report."
More Responsive Tapping on iOS | WebKit
"we believe web pages should be scalable when possible. For this reason, viewports that have width=device-width will have fast single tapping when the user is at initial scale."
"PGML (mainly from Adobe) and VML (mainly from Microsoft), as well as a few other similar efforts (Web Schematics, Hyper Graphics Markup Language, WebCGM, and DrawML) soon merged into a “real” W3C standard, called Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)."