Diigo Bookmarks 09/19/2015
Welcome to hell: Apple vs. Google vs. Facebook and the slow death of the web | The Verge
"Taking money and attention away from the web means that web innovation will slow to a crawl"
Building an Enterprise CSS Framework - Salesforce UX - Medium
"I'd like to share some of the decisions we made while architecting the framework. Some of these choices may be unexpected. And there have been times when our ideas have morphed while building, as we discovered yet another platform or situation we needed to solve for."
Elephants, The Three Code Ilities, & Two Months With CSS Modules
"Over time we just keep adding and adding things to the codebase. All in one namespace. This is like scaling vertically over horizontally which works but only upto a point."
Modernizr 3: A new release and website
"After what appears an eternity to us and the wider development community we are ecstatic to announce the release of Modernizr 3.0! This is a massive release and from our last release almost 2.5 years have passed - an unacceptable timeline. We plan to fix this and have faster releases where it makes sense."
"Use :not() to Apply/Unapply Borders on Navigation"
"take an interactive tour through all the major features of the new flexbox CSS property."