Diigo Bookmarks 08/04/2015
Legal Settlement Agreements that Reference WCAG - WCAG WG
"This page documents legal settlement agreements that reference the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0."
Art-Directing an SVG Embedded Using <object>
"Changing the viewBox using CSS is currently not possible, so that would require JavaScript. Hiding the unwanted parts on small screens is possible in CSS, though."
Can you overuse media queries? | Developer Drive
"No matter how many media queries you use, you’ll still have to specify a default style outside of the media queries section. There’s no way around that."
Vendor Prefixes And Market Reality - otsukare
"Web developers should all jump on adjusting their Web sites to add the standard properties at least. This is not happening. Why? Because the benefits are not perceived by Web developers, project managers and site owners."
Comprehensive Guide: When to Use Em vs. Rem - Tuts+ Web Design Tutorial
"The greatest power that rem units offer is not just that they give consistent sizing regardless of element inheritance."
"The best way to tackle this problem is simply to disable custom fonts for mobile devices. If that’s not an option, then use them only where absolutely necessary"