Diigo Bookmarks 07/27/2015
Styling SVG Content with CSS | Codrops
"By taking advantage of the CSS cascade, styling the contents of <use>—though in a shadow DOM—can become less complicated."
Say Goodbye to Vendor Prefixes
"Prepros is an alternative to CodeKit for OS X and Windows. The instructions for setting it up should be very similar to the CodeKit instructions."
Web Design - The First 100 Years
"Today I hope to persuade you that the same thing that happened to aviation is happening with the Internet. Here we are, fifty years into the computer revolution, at what feels like our moment of greatest progress. The outlines of the future are clear, and oh boy is it futuristic."
Some things I’ve learned about CSS so far
"Good class naming encourages reuse. (In addition to the class names themselves, creating a clear set of namespaces will do your CSS some wonders.)"
Container Queries: Once More Unto the Breach · An A List Apart Article
"Armed with our new knowledge of the impossible, the search for element queries has been reframed as container queries."
What We Can Learn From a Forty-Year Old Handshake in Space — Medium
"The success of the International Space Station — a partnership between 15 nations including the U.S. and Russia — and all the benefits the ISS program brings to the world are the direct result of the decision made by the partner nations to work together on common ground starting with a handshake in space forty years ago today."