Diigo Bookmarks 07/12/2015
Five Goofy Things Medium Did That Break Accessibility — Medium Engineering — Medium
"Medium Engineering recently had an accessibility fixit. We found some goofy things! But we’re trying to do better. We wanted to share some of what we found."
iOS 9 and Safari View Controller: The Future of Web Views – MacStories
"Apple is introducing a Safari View Controller on iOS 9. Created with the goal to let developers stop writing miniature web browsers, Safari View Controller enables apps to delegate the responsibility of showing web content to Safari itself, avoiding the need to write custom code for built-in browsers."
Motionographer User interface design: Why motion matters
"For a presentation at CSSConf Australia 2015, Benjamin De Cock (no jokes, please) shared insights gleaned from years as an interactive designer with a penchant for animation. "
10 Reasons To Use HTTPS — Medium
"If you’re not convinced HTTPS is right for you, or need ammo to convince your peers and bosses, here are 10 good reasons to go HTTPS."
HTTP/2 Picks Up Steam: iOS 9 • Lukasa's Echochamber
"To be clear, Apple has enabled HTTP/2 for all HTTP done using NSURLSession. It’s on by default, no settings need to be changed, and a quick skim through the documentation didn’t turn up any relevant settings (though I’m sure there are some)."
"It is interesting that Scroll Snap Points were first implemented by Microsoft in IE10 (works in IE10+) (but with another syntax). Then Firefox team announced intent to implement the support (FF 39+), Chrome and, finally, Apple also announced their support in Safari 9.0!"