Diigo Bookmarks 07/06/2015
Why Web Components will make the web a better place for our users — Medium
"tl;dr Web Components v1 is the foundation that will help us build better component libraries, enabling developers to deliver a refined, maintainable and consistent user experience across products."
How to Win on Mobile: Understanding Micro-Moments and Consumer Behavior
"The mobile landscape has completely changed consumer behavior. Over the last few months Google released new research that has major implications for brands who want to win in an increasingly mobile world."
Responsive News — 13 tips for making responsive web design...
"Each language - or service as we prefer to call them - requires a minimum level of localization. This will manifest itself in the design of the site, differences in content requirements and how the interface is built."
Petition · save the remaining shuttles in a museum. · Change.org
"On 12 May 2002, a hangar at the Baikonur Cosmodrome housing OK-1K1 collapsed during a massive storm in Kazakhstan, as a result of poor maintenance. The collapse killed eight workers and destroyed the craft as well as a mock-up of an Energia carrier rocket. Now the other hangar with two Burans is in danger. 2002 history repeat itself again??"
Grid tidbits, part 1: the Why and Where — That Emil is Emil Björklund
"CSS Grid Layout is a new way of handling layout in browsers. It differs from other methods (like flexbox) in perspective and capabilities, but it also overlaps somewhat. Oh, and it's going to be in a lot of browsers real soon."