Diigo Bookmarks 06/10/2015
A (Rough) Manifesto for Accessible User Experience — Medium
"The Manifesto for Accessible User Experience is an articulation of beliefs, derived from our understanding of the benefits of integrating efforts towards better accessibility and user experience, constraints we face in achieving these benefits, and actions we must take to address the constraints."
The Accessibility Cheatsheet - bitsofco.de
"We all know that accessibility is important. The problem is, it is not always clear what exactly we can do to make our sites more accessible."
Introducing srcset, our first step towards fully responsive images in Microsoft Edge
"In this post we’d like to share more about our initial implementation of srcset in Windows 10 and our strategy for bringing more components of responsive images to future releases."
PageSpeed Module | Google Developers
"The PageSpeed modules are open-source server modules that optimize your site automatically."
Why Web Design is Dead | UX Magazine
"This switch from web design to experience design is directly caused by the shift from web pages to digital products, tools, and ecosystems."
"The Responsive Design Mode provides a fast-switching layout preview of your webpage across a spectrum of viewport sizes. This viewport quick-look tool helps you quickly spot layout issues on a webpage across many screen sizes."