Diigo Bookmarks 05/01/2015
Web Experience Toolkit (WET) - Working examples - Web Experience Toolkit
"An award-winning front-end framework for building websites that are accessible, usable, interoperable, mobile friendly and multilingual"
An Introduction To Graphical Effects in CSS : Adobe Dreamweaver Team Blog
"Examples of graphical effects that we can create using CSS today include textured text effects, photo effects like color editing/tweaking, photo and element blending that also enable us to blend elements with other elements, clipping content to arbitrary shapes, and more."
The 10 Best Productivity Plugins for Sketch App
"Style Inventory helps brings structure to the chaotic nature of design. It may well be the Sketch plugin with the most sub features."
LukeW | Defining Mobile: 4-5.5 Inches, Portrait & One-Thumb
"So when designing for mobile today, it’s worth considering a 4-5.5 inch smartphone, in portrait (vertical) orientation, being used with one-thumb."
Apple Watch Favors Text Version and Breaks Links | Litmus
"The TL;DR? Prepare for plain text to make a big comeback and to be frustrated by lack of insight into traditional email metrics, like opens and clicks."