Diigo Bookmarks 04/21/2015
More Weight Doesn't Mean More Wait | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
"Formerly, much of the focus in web performance was concerned with optimizing assets like images and fonts, which does make for a shorter overall page load time. But today there are techniques we can use in addition to file optimization that have an arguably larger impact on how soon our users can see and use the content we're delivering."
Responsive Data Tables: A Comprehensive List of Solutions
"In this article, I’ll go over and analyze many of these approaches. Keep in mind that I’ll be focused mostly on the JavaScript-based ones, as I think they offer more options and features compared to the pure CSS solutions."
Email Lab: A Starter Kit for HTML Emails | Sparkbox | Web Design and Development
"Email Lab is the open-source project we recently released that is a starter kit for building HTML emails. It leverages Grunt to build and test your emails using modern development tools like Sass, Handlebars, and Live Reload"
Where Style Guides Fit Into Process | CSS-Tricks
"As you might imagine, it's a matter of just having one or not that will determine its effectiveness."
Visual Test-Driven Development For Responsive Interface Design - Smashing Magazine
"The fundamental testing concept in Galen Framework centers on checking the location and size of all page elements relative to each other. This way, you can describe the layout for any browser window’s size and you don’t have to use absolute positioning."