Diigo Bookmarks 04/20/2015
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Better presentation of URLs in search results
"To help mobile searchers understand your website better when we show it in the mobile search results, today we're updating the algorithms that display URLs in the search results to better reflect the names of websites, using the real-world name of the site instead of the domain name, and the URL structure of the sites in a breadcrumbs-like format."
"Simplicity is very hard, we already know that. But sometimes what it looks like a simple solution is just laziness; something that is simple to design but not necessarily simple to use."
Chrome starts pushing Java off the Web by disabling plugins | Ars Technica
"Chrome 42, released to the stable channel today, will take a big step toward pushing old browser plugins, including Java and Silverlight, off the Web. Those plugins use a 1990s-era API called NPAPI ("Netscape Plugin API") to extend the browser, and with Chrome 42, that API is now off by default."
jQuery considered harmful | Lea Verou
"Get any random script with a jQuery dependency that you didn't write yourself and try to refactor it so that it doesn't need jQuery. I dare you. You will see that your main issue will not be how to convert the functionality to use native APIs, but understanding what the hell is going on."
A Visual Guide to CSS3 Flexbox Properties | Scotch
"Rather that explaining how the flex properties work, this guide will focus on how the flex properties affect the layout in a visual way. "
"I almost always recommend starting with your user base's "extremes"--the smallest and largest common device sizes."