Diigo Bookmarks 04/05/2015
You can now run Android apps on a Mac or PC with Google Chrome | The Verge
"You simply need to download the ARC Welder app and obtain APKs from Google’s Play Store."
"The IE Diagnostics Adapter makes this possible by providing a bridge that allows IE to speak the Chrome remote debugging protocol. This protocol allows 3rd party tools to debug, diagnose, and profile Chrome."
Starting a Refactor with CSS Dig | CSS-Tricks
"Determined to avoid this fate, I researched refactoring techniques, emerging best practices, and eventually built CSS Dig. In this post, I'll highlight three areas where CSS Dig can help and provide some refactoring tips."
Living Style Guide Tools In-depth Overview — Medium
"Living Style Guides are here to help us transform our Front-end codebase into well-described pattern libraries with minimal efforts. But to make them really efficient, we need to choose the proper tools, so let’s have a closer look on what community has prepared for us."
The future of responsive web design | Webdesigner Depot
"The future of responsive web design, or perhaps simply web design, is one in which designs are not just screen agnostic, but screen independent. In practical terms, it means dropping mobile-first, and adopting an audio-first approach. If your sites are optimised for screen readers, then they will function effectively on the next generation of web browser."
Accessibility Wins â Automated Testing with Protractor
"The *super cool* thing is there’s now an accessibility plugin for Protractor allowing you to test parts of your app with the same open source audit rules as the Chrome Accessibility Developer Tools browser extension (which is a must-have, by the way). You can also validate against the robust Tenon API, a JavaScript-aware accessibility testing platform that can help you catch even more valuable errors and warnings."