Diigo Bookmarks 03/25/2015
A Baseline for Front-End [JS] Developers: 2015 - Adventures in JavaScript Development
"In short: if this list of things doesn’t fit your vision of the front-end world, that’s OK! We’re both still good people. Promise."
"sanitize.css contains the baseline styles many of us end up writing anyway, especially if you listen to the two biggest influences of this project; Paul Irish and Chris Coyier."
Who wants the Pointer Events API? Everyone, nearly | mobiForge
"Assuming that performance and functionality issues can be overcome, not implementing it out of a fear of lack of adoption derived from Apple's non-support would be pretty sad."
"The CSS toolkit and guidelines that power GitHub."
Partnering with Adobe on new contributions to our web platform - IEBlog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
"In the coming months we’ll be sharing some of these stories, beginning with today’s look at how Adobe’s Web Platform Team has helped us make key improvements for a more expressive Web experience in Windows 10."