Diigo Bookmarks 03/24/2015
Streamline your Git workflow with Tower | Web design | Creative Bloq
"Tower, a desktop application for Mac, makes Git a bit more straightforward by helping people work more easily and efficiently with the Git version control system."
Zen and the Art of Wearable Markup
"my old internet friend John Gruber may be quite right when he claims that “the HTML/CSS/JavaScript web has no place in the wearable world.” Right in the short term, at least where Apple’s watch is concerned, and wrong in the long term."
Enhancing Responsiveness with Flexbox presentation at RWD Summit
"My latest talk is called “Enhancing Responsiveness With Flexbox.” I talked about how to actually put flexbox to use in the real world—today. I demonstrated a bunch of practical ideas for how to use flexbox as progressive enhancement to improve sizing, spacing, and order in responsive web design, while still ensuring non-supporting browsers get an acceptable fallback experience."
CSS, Accessibility, and You | CSS Dev Conference | Treehouse
"In this session, we’ll share with you some of the most significant accessibility challenges we face when it comes to the web today and share with you solutions for addressing those head on with the CSS you write. You’ll learn all about the issues, AND know what to do about them."
The Sea of Ideas » When IE gave us beautiful, fast touch interactions, and nobody cared.
"IE10 added a new set of prefixed CSS properties that allow you to programmatically control panning, scrolling and zooming. With these APIs, one could take what required a pretty advanced JS library causing all sorts of performance issues and trim that code down to two lines of additional CSS."