Diigo Bookmarks 03/23/2015
"This specification defines the web developer rules (author conformance requirements) for the use of [wai-aria-1.1] attributes on [HTML51] elements. It also defines requirements for Conformance Checking tools."
CSS Variables Are a Bad Idea, From the Notebook of Aaron Gustafson
"With a preprocessor like SASS, Less, or Stylus, I get all of the maintainability benefits without sacrificing browser support. It’s a no-brainer. But even if that were not true, there’s another issue to consider: If I push CSS variables to browsers, they have to parse the CSS and substitute the variables before they can apply the styles."
Getting started with Grunt — Medium
"In this article I would like to explain what exactly Grunt is, what it can do for you and how you get it up and running. During this article we will walk through all the steps required in order to set up a basic Grunt front end project, featuring: Creating the project structure, compiling Sass to CSS, setting up a local server, live reloading and minifying JavaScript."
Case Study | CanIUse.com | PerfAudit
"there is a neat trick by Ryan Seddon to listen for scroll event and disable pointer events on an element"
The Truth About !important · Jens Oliver Meiert
"!important is legitimate. It’s useful. It’s not going to go away. And so instead of screaming “no !important,” we should relax, and use (and teach to use) !important responsibly."
Adactio: Journal—Inlining critical CSS for first-time visits
"That tells the server to ignore those numbers in JavaScript and CSS file names, but the browser will still interpret it as a new file whenever I update that number. You can do that in a .htaccess file or directly in the Apache configuration."