Diigo Bookmarks 03/20/2015
UX Tactics To Make Slow Things Seem Faster | Placeit Blog
"We looked at what companies are doing to connect their users quickly and painlessly to the information that they want, to see what we could learn about improving perceived performance."
"The moral of the story is — your media queries, sized with em units, are going to be based on 16px per em unit — unless the browser’s font size has been changed by the user."
"Bootstrap Studio is a desktop application which you can use to build beautiful interfaces and websites by only using drag & drop. It comes with a large collection of components like charts, maps, data tables, forms, menus, lists, dialogs and much more."
Robert Maple | Using IDs instead of !important
"compared to using !important, this adheres to the normal order of CSS much better and by limiting it to a single ID, it’s much easier to keep a grasp of."
Media Queries: Width vs. Device Width
"if you were to go with device-width, you would have to also provide separate rules for orientation (portrait vs. landscape): device widths do not change simply because you rotate the device sideways."
Accessibility’s costs are lower than you think | Viget
"I'd guess that for the average project, the aggregate cost to implement and test free and non-trivial accessibility items is in the range of a couple person-days to a person-week. For the highest-impact items alone, probably less."