Diigo Bookmarks 03/10/2015
Side Effects in CSS — Philip Walton
"all CSS rules are global and every rule has the potential to conflict with every other rule on the page. This means side effects cannot be prevented by the language"
Beyond Blue Links: Making Clickable Elements Recognizable
"Whether you adopt a flat-design style or not, interactive components must retain sufficient cues to suggest clickability. Signaling clickability with cues such as borders, color, size, consistency, placement, and adherence to web standards can give interactive components the proper look."
"Apps became more personal, social, and relevant to our daily lives. All because of a change in form factor: from desk/lap to palm-sized screens. So what happens when networked screens show up on our wrist?"
"Convert your .svg’s into fully fledged iconfonts just like font-awesome."
"Abstracting classes out as far as Atomic CSS (or any other similar approach—this isn’t a criticism of Atomic CSS specifically) suggests will sacrifice (at the very least) context, readability, and maintainability, in favour or smaller filesizes. I feel this is overkill, especially considering that gzip would negate any difference in filesize anyway."
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Easier website development with Web Components and JSON-LD
"JSON-LD and Web Components work really well together. The Custom Element functions as the presentation layer and the JSON-LD functions as the data layer that the custom element and search engines consume."