Diigo Bookmarks 03/08/2015
Access Optional - TimKadlec.com
"The problem is not that there is a cost involved in building something that works well in different contexts than our own. The problem is that we’re treating that as an option instead of a given part of what it means to build for the web."
"Apple’s paranoid approach to developer relations, and, I assume, relations with other browser vendors (and, in fact, relations to anything outside itself) is becoming a serious liability to the open Web. That is the issue we must confront."
"Accessibility shouldn't be an afterthought. You don't have to be a WCAG expert to improve your website, you can start immediately by fixing the little things that make a huge difference"
"Takes a set color palette and shows contrast values for every possible combination. This is useful for finding safe color combinations with predefined colors and includes pass/fail scores for the WCAG accessibility guidelines."
"It signals that Google is taking performance — and particularly mobile performance — very seriously. Site owners would be wise to do the same now, before this tag is fully rolled out."
I'm a web developer. Not an engineer.
"Calling yourself an engineer, when you're not actually qualified as an engineer is sort of a no-no. In fact, there's some regulation around the engineering titles - and certainly in the UK (according to the Wikipedia page), there's been petitions to protect the title."