Diigo Bookmarks 03/01/2015
What #TheDress reminded me about web design | Viget
"Whether or not #TheDress debate was a complete hoax, it did do a good job of reminding us that design and colors can look different to different people, especially on the web."
How to Design for Web Accessibility Standards
"Here are a few things to start incorporating on every project to help make the future web easier for everyone to navigate"
"Zero-setup Sass Previewer for OS X"
Keeping srcset and sizes under control | Matt Wilcox, Web Developer & Tinkerer
"My strategy to ensure HTML's new responsive image attributes don't grow out of control when you use them."
Apple, Business, and Standards, From the Notebook of Aaron Gustafson
"If we stop giving Apple a free pass and continue marching forward without them, will they eventually be forced to scramble to catch up like Microsoft did when IE6 sat on the shelf for so long?"
"Collaboration with CA on mapping of HTML features Aural UI and how these features are conveyed to users of AT."