Diigo Bookmarks 01/21/2015
» When to use <picture> for resolution switching Cloud Four Blog
"There is one resolution switching use case where <picture> makes sense—when you want to provide different file formats using the type attribute."
CSS Selector for Mac - Generate CSS selectors from HTML
"CSS Selector eliminates manual mapping of CSS selectors for your HTML code and speeds up web coding process."
Super Resolution From a Single Image
"Methods for super-resolution (SR) can be broadly classified into two families of methods: (i) The classical multi-image super-resolution (combining images obtained at subpixel misalignments), and (ii) Example-Based super-resolution (learning correspondence between low and high resolution image patches from a database)."
Component-Driven CSS Frameworks
"Web Components are all the rage today. As we move forward into a world where components are first-class citizens of a web application, we are in dire need of frameworks that are capable of handling this new development."
Quick tip: conditional form fields with CSS | Christian Heilmann
"It is disappointing that a simple problem like this still needs a lot of DOM manipulation and/or ARIA to really be accessible."