Diigo Bookmarks 01/20/2015
"A handbook for understanding the elements of HTML email design."
Strategies for Keeping CSS Specificity Low | CSS-Tricks
"Keeping CSS specificity low across all the selectors in your project is a worthy goal. It's generally a sign that things are in relative harmony. You aren't fighting against yourself and you have plenty of room to override styles when you need to."
Designing For Print With CSS - Smashing Magazine
"In this article, we’ll take a look at the CSS modules that have been created not for use in web browsers, but to deal with printed and paged media."
BBC News - Should tourists be banned from Antarctica?
"just do what you can to preserve it."
Apple’s Inaccessibility | Web Axe
"Let’s hope Apple returns to the practice of releasing quality products: everything just works and accessibility is continually improving."
CSS you can get excited about in 2015 | Webdesigner Depot
"Exclusions lets you wrap text around all sides of a positioned object. It doesn’t define a new method of positioning itself, so can be used in conjunction with other methods."