Diigo Bookmarks 11/10/2014
The Headings Hierarchy Challenge - Joe Dolson Accessible Web Design
"I think marking structure using headings is great, as long as you’re thorough and consistent."
1PasswordAnywhere - 1Password for Mac - version 5
"you may have the need to access your data in a web browser at some point in your globetrotting. 1Password has you covered."
Google's responsive email moment, #letsfixemail and more at Inbox Love 2014 - Campaign Monitor
"When pressed by panelist and email blogger Justin Khoo, the Inbox team confirmed that while responsive techniques are not supported now, media query support is on the roadmap and is a priority to the app team."
You Are Solving The Wrong Problem « Aza on Design
"Paul realized that what we needed to be solved was not, in fact, human powered flight. That was a red-herring. The problem was the process itself, and along with it the blind pursuit of a goal without a deeper understanding how to tackle deeply difficult challenges."
Responsive Images in Practice · An A List Apart Article
"Here’s my favorite thing about srcset: we don’t know! We can’t know. The picking logic has been left intentionally unspecified."