Diigo Bookmarks 09/21/2014
CSS Audits: Taking Stock of Your Code · An A List Apart Article
"A CSS audit is really detective work. You start with a site’s code and dig deeper: you look at how many stylesheets are being called, how that affects site performance, and how the CSS itself is written. Your goal is to look for ways to improve on what’s there—to sleuth out fixes to make your codebase better and your site faster."
Dev.Opera — Native Responsive Images
"The srcset attribute contains a grocery list of resources that the browser can pick from, and the w descriptors tell the browser each resource’s physical dimensions."
Proper Use of Buttons and Links | Web Axe
"When developing a website, ensure buttons are coded as buttons (the button or input element) and links are coded as links (the anchor element)."
A Guide to the HTML5 'time' Element
"Prior to HTML5 we had no element to semantically mark up a date or time. In recent years, other solutions, most notably Microformats and Microdata, have tried to fill this gap for specific situations (date of birth, publication of a book, and so on)."
The Best Mentawai Islands Surf Video from my drone, Phyllis. June 2014, by Paul Borrud on Vimeo
"In June of 2014, we spent 11 days surfing the Mentawai Islands. The conditions were perfect the entire trip with light offshore winds and plenty of swell to go around."