Diigo Bookmarks 08/27/2014
A JavaScript Build System Shootout: Grunt vs. Gulp vs. NPM - Modern Web
"I wrote this brief article to help you understand the differences between Grunt, Gulp, and npm, which are the three build tools that I use most often in front-end development workflows."
Opinionated Rundown of JS Frameworks | Blog
"I’ve been told that it was very useful and helped provide a nice, quick overview of some of the most popular JS tools and frameworks for building single page apps."
Full-width pinned layouts with flexbox
"The best part about this is that all of this flexbox stuff can be added as progressive enhancement."
One Step Ahead: Improving Performance with Prebrowsing · An A List Apart Article
"We tend to see the web as a reactive model, where every action causes a reaction. Users click, then we take them to a new page. They click again, and we open another page. But we can do better. We can be proactive with prebrowsing."
Rosenfeld Media | HTML5 with Steve Faulkner
"Not every type of UI control will be standardized and implemented. There'll always be room for the use of ARIA or reasons you need to use ARIA."
Mobile accessibility checklist - Accessibility | MDN
"This document provides a concise checklist of accessibility requirements for mobile app developers. It is intended to continuously evolve as more patterns arise."