Diigo Bookmarks 08/11/2014
7 Non-raster Approaches for Making the “Hamburger” Menu Icon - Tuts+ Web Design Tutorial
"In this tutorial we'll look at a number of approaches to creating and styling such an icon without using raster images."
"Predict users actions and optimistically load resources ahead of time for better performance"
The Evolution of the "Hamburger Icon Pattern"
"often the wide adoption of a given convention is driven by a chain of copy and paste and not by a well-pondered reason, so it may not be the solution you need."
Pure CSS parallax scrolling websites | Keith Clark
"This article demonstrates how to use CSS transforms, perspective and some scaling trickery to create a pure CSS parallax scrolling website."
addyosmani/above-the-fold-css-tools · GitHub
"Tools to help prioritize above-the-fold CSS"
Gulp Tasks for Optimising Front End Performance
"Gulp Tasks for Optimising Front End Performance - A good front-end build is important to optimise your workflow when developing, so we decided to share our process."