Diigo Bookmarks 07/21/2014
Awwwards Interviews - Bruce Lawson (UK) on Vimeo
“My job is to make sure that the web wins”
The “Native” vs. “Stylable” Tug of War - The Easy Designs Blog
"in the Android world, different device manufacturers often “skin” the operating system to look different from other ones. Sometimes they even do it on a device-by-device basis."
Bruce Lawson’s personal site : “Native experience” vs styling select boxes
"Stephanie suggests a mechanism of telling a user agent to render a navigation list as a native component, so it looks native across a range of devices, because it is native."
Optimising for 60fps everywhere — GoSquared Engineering
"There is no silver bullet in the matter of making web pages and web apps render efficiently — instead the best approach is to understand the different things that can cause a page to render slowly, and optimise them in turn, following some basic rules and best practices."
Bulletproof Accessible Icon Fonts | Filament Group, Inc., Boston, MA
"The most reliable way to hide superfluous visual content from a screen reader (but not from a sighted user) is to use aria-hidden="true"."
WURFL.io - Client Side, meet Server Side
"WURFL.js is a JavaScript file that provides information about the device that is accesing your page. Whether it is a desktop browser, a tablet, a mobile phone, a smart TV, game console or someone with his wristwatch."