Diigo Bookmarks 07/19/2014
"The beauty of this selector is that it has the exact same specificity as a class, so we’re selecting a chunk of the DOM based on an ID, but never actually increasing our specificity beyond that of our classes that we’re making liberal use of elsewhere."
Grunt Plugins Reviewed - Cognition: The blog of web design & development firm Happy Cog
"Relying on humans to run tests has meant we don’t always measure our performance consistently, therefore missing page weight hogs like the occasional stray Blingee. There has to be a better way, right?"
Dealing with a large CSS codebase | Web Design Weekly
"This post explores ways to make developing on large CSS codebases more enjoyable."
"Today I’m going to talk about some tricks and techniques you can use to manipulate subjective time to your advantage."
CSS Shapes: Breaking the Rectangular Design Shackles
"This article will go over the possibilities of CSS Shapes with a bunch of little demos to show what’s possible and help you start exploring!"
Append And Reuse HTML Docs With HTML Import
"HTML Import allows us to include an HTML file into another HTML file. We can also access and reuse the content inside. This is an exciting new feature that may change the way we build HTML in (perhaps) the next decade."