Diigo Bookmarks 07/16/2014
Web accessibility that’s easy on the hands
"It can also be good to keep pages long so people can scroll a single page as oppose to having to navigate lots of smaller pages."
Moving Beyond the Responsive Web to the Adaptive Web
"This concept has sometimes been called RESS, but regardless of labels, it involves making decisions on the server that determine what should and shouldn’t be sent to the user, so that nothing is sent that will not be used."
Inheriting box-sizing Probably Slightly Better Best-Practice | CSS-Tricks
"This will give you the same result, and make it easier to change the box-sizing in plugins or other components that leverage other behavior."
New: Back up your feedly to Dropbox [Pro] | Building Feedly
"Dropbox Vault automatically backs up your tagged and saved articles, and a list of all your feeds (OPML file) to your Dropbox account."
Chrome ウェブストア - ARIA Validator
"Scans page for WAI-ARIA implementation issues. Not an HTML5 validtor, just ARIA and nothing else."
Authoring Critical Above-the-Fold CSS | CSS-Tricks
"Now before we get hung up on whether the fold exists or not, let's just agree that anything we can do to get our data to our users as quickly as possible is a good thing, right?"