Diigo Bookmarks 03/05/2014
BreakpointTester | Test Your Responsive Design By Breakpoints, Not By Device Width
"Breakpoint Tester Is Bookmarklet Which Scans Website Stylsheets (Same Domain) To Find User Defined Media Query Breakpoints."
Mobile Site Audit Checklist - Moz
"I've put together a checklist of a) aspects of mobile sites that are often broken yet overlooked, and b) optimization options that many people miss."
Only 90s Web Developers Remember This
"I miss the good ol' days. Today we have abstractions on top of abstractions on top of JavaScript, of all things. Shit doesn't even know how to calculate math correctly. It's amazing we ever got to where we are today, when you think about it."
Accessibility + YUI – creating accessible forms | :last-child
"This presentation was created for the YUI Conference, November 2013 by Sarbbottam and Ted Drake. Sample code is available at GitHub Bruce Lee toy photos courtesy [CC] images by Shaun Wong on Flickr."
Aerotwist - My Performance Audit Workflow
"Sometimes I get asked to do performance audits on web projects and to make some recommendations. So what I thought I’d do is run through what my process is, what I’m looking for, and what I typically suggest."
"Set column and gutter widths, choose the number of columns, and switch between pixels and percentages. All without any .grid_x classes in your markup. Oh, and did we mention it's responsive? Runs on LESS, SCSS, or Stylus. Read up on Smashing Mag."