Diigo Bookmarks 02/19/2014
Learning LESS: A Comprehensive Introduction • 1stwebdesigner
"For our LESS client-side compiler we’re going to use SimpleLESS because it is simple to use and it’s free so go ahead and download it here and run it."
2014 E-Commerce Mobile Conversion Rate Benchmarks | Mobify
"research shows that tablet owners typically come from high-income households, and are prepared to spend as much as 20% more per purchase than regular desktop visitors."
Live Editing Sass and Less in the Firefox Developer Tools ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
"When compiling a source to CSS, use the option to generate a sourcemap for each style sheet. To do this you’ll need Sass 3.3 (Currently in pre-release, gem install sass --pre) or Less 1.5+."
How SVG Line Animation Works | CSS-Tricks
"Most of the examples you see of SVG line animations use JavaScript. That's because it's hard to know what the length of that stroke actually is."
An Introduction to Using Text on the Canvas Element
"All modern browsers support the canvas element, even going back to IE9. On IE8 and earlier, (assuming you’re not polyfilling) you can offer fallback content by putting this inside the canvas tags in the HTML."