Diigo Bookmarks 12/08/2013
Sputnik - Simple and practical RSS reader
"Sputnik is a RSS reader for your desktop or laptop computer. Just download it, and start using. No registration, no login, no yet another password to remember."
Superpedestrian - The Copenhagen Wheel
"As you bike, the wheel is able to capture energy when braking or going down hill that it stores in the integrated lithium battery pack."
ginger's thoughts » WebVTT as a W3C Recommendation
"I’ll explain first why there is a need for WebVTT to become a W3C Recommendation, and then how this is proposed to be part of the Timed Text Working Group deliverables, and finally how I can see this working between the TT-CG and the TT-WG."
Browser-Sync: Sync Scrolls, Clicks, Forms And Edits In Multiple Browsers For Free
"In terms of UI, Browser-Sync is currently a command-line tool but there appear to be plans for simple interface work such as notifications and the ability to trigger different modes without returning back to the command-line."
Faster Workflow: Mastering Emmet, Part 1 - SitePoint
"Some of Emmet’s actions are useful for editing existing HTML code, such as the Wrap with Abbreviation function. With this function you can wrap your navigation items in a navigation menu."
Aria-required=true: WCAG 2 Compliance versus Best Practice
"Because the attribute “aria-required” is supported by commonly used browser-assistive technology combinations, many consider its use as the easiest and most optimal method for indicating that input is required for a field. Yet, recommending its use may not be so straightforward from a strict WCAG 2 compliance viewpoint."